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Campfire 5: Moorehead Stagecoach Inn

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The Moorehead Stagecoach Inn

After spending twenty years as a paranormal investigator, Allen Cornelison moved to Ida Grove, Iowa to help his wife from his second marriage care for her ailing mother. He had absolutely no intentions putting his investigator hat back on, until one evening, taking a tour of a local park, Allen discovered something. An old house barely visible through the timber,  tucked away on the property. Something about it was alluring to him, and Allen was compelled to inquire about the old structure from the townspeople. He soon learned the  house was an old Stagecoach Inn dating back to 1856 and now, had been converted into a museum in the park. From this point on, Allen would unknowingly begin an intense six-year investigation of this historic site, have some of the most frightening experiences of his entire career as an investigator, and capture evidence that, in his mind and many of the townspeople’s, proved the existence of the a paranormal. Join Allen as he takes us through his unsettling journey investigating the Morehead Stagecoach Inn from 2011 - 2017.


Allen took all that he experienced during his time investigating the Inn and wrote a book entitled "Ghosts & Legends of the Stagecoach Inn".  You can get the book from the following links:


Dark River Paranormal (Hard copies & Signed Editions) (Kindle Version Available)


Photo courtesy of Allen Cornelison


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